Tinat according to Allame Tabatabii: an Analysis

Document Type : pajoohesh



A group of hadiths in Shi’I hadith heritage suggest that there is a difference between human beings in creation, and speak of the relation of their belief and disbelief with their Tinat (Clay). It seems that these hadiths refer to essential happiness and unhappiness of men and deny their free will in creting their future, and therefor display an inclination to determinism. Many of Shi’i thinkers attempted to explain these hadiths and to resolve their problems. Outlining a comprehensive schema upon the Sadra’s Transcendent Philosophy, Allameh Tabatabaii entertains to analysis the content of these hadiths. Construeing the term Tin (clay) in these hadiths as a celestial matter that constitutes human body and from it arises human soul, he sees its affection on men’s happiness and unhappiness in terms of capacity and not implying determinism. Exploring Allameh Tabatabaii’s analysis, this paper explains its basis and finally assesses his resolution for the problems.
