Consanguineous marriage from the perspective of medical genetics, the Quran and the Infallibles' traditions

Document Type : pajoohesh


1 Assistant professor, Faculty of Theology, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Iran

2 MA Holder in Quran Sciences and Hadith, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran


Consanguineous marriage is a common custom in Iran, and different statistical figures in this regard have been reported from various regions of the country. Therefore, it seems necessary to examine the viewpoints of medical genetics, the Quran and the Infallibles about this issue. Consanguineous marriage is one of the most important causes of congenital anomalies. The numerous advices and solutions in the Quran and the Infallibles' traditions about having a healthy offspring and generation indicate the importance of preventing these anomalies. The examination of the traditions as well as the marriages that have taken place in the Prophet’s Family shows that although this type of marriage is not prohibited and forbidden, it is not recommended, too. On the other hand, medical geneticists emphasize receiving genetic counseling and taking the necessary tests before such marriages. This paper, which is based on the analytic-descriptive approach, confirms that consanguineous marriage is not recommended because of an increased risk of congenital abnormalities. Therefore, such marriages might be done only after genetic screening is done and their safety is ensured.


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