Examination of commentators' views on resolving the seeming conflict between verses of Sword and Denial of Duress

Document Type : pajoohesh


Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


One of the most important topics in the field of jurisprudence and interpretation of the Noble Quran is freedom of religion which is also drawn into the political sphere. Discussions on the seeming conflict between verses of Sword and Denial of Duress have aroused controversies among researchers. One of the four following possible relationships can be established between verses of Sword and Denial of Duress. First, the Sword verse nullifies the Denial of Duress verse. Second, the Denial of Duress verse nullifies the Sword verse. Third, the Sword verse determines the scope of the Denial of Duress verse. And fourth, the Sword verse concerns the seeming duress, while the Denial of Duress verse regards the inward duress. Based on verse 29 of the Repentance chapter, which is taken as the reason for the freedom of religion on the side of the People of The Book – provided that they pay jizyah (protection ransom) – the first assumption is impossible, since if this assumption is taken, then we should accept that although the Sword verse is abrogating, it has been already abrogated by this latter verse. Contributing to this stance is the fact that the Sword verse has been revealed between the Denial of Duress verse and verse 29 of the Repentance chapter, while these two latter ones confirm each other. This can be another reason to reject the first assumption above. The second assumption requires prioritizing the abrogating over the abrogated. It is obvious that this is impossible to occur and also impermissible in Islam. At the end, this study adopts new and clear approach and proofs to argue for the authenticity of the fourth assumption.


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