Ph.D. student in the Islamic Ma'arif University, Iran
Although Allameh Majlisi has not intended to write a distinct ethical book on ethics or to present a coherent moral system in various volumes of Behar al-Anwar, but we can deduce a comprehensive ethical system through examination of the different discussions he has made about different verses and traditions. This deduced ethical system not only emphasizes the role of reason in explaining the theoretical and practical teachings of ethics and elucidating the moral virtues, but also pays special attention to the role of religion in explicating the physical bases of human actions and the different ethical and educational dimensions. Indeed, this system gives in a complete and comprehensive picture of the virtues and principles of the Islamic ethics. On the other hand, Miskawayh's philosophical–ethical ideas are very potent and truly wise. His efforts to explain conceptual and judgmental roots and bases of ethics and to coordinate the four moral virtues and their different kinds and types according to the religious roots and bases enjoy scientific strength, perfection, and comprehensiveness. This paper is a comparative study of ethical principles and ideas of Allameh Majlisi in Behar al-Anwar and Abu Ali Miskawayh in Tahzib al-Akhlaq. By analyzing these two ethical approaches, their agreement and disagreement as well as advantages and shortcomings in explaining the ethical system of Islam will be examined.
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Bonyani, M., & Dehghani Phirouzabadi, V. (2014). Comparative study of the ethical principles and ideas of Allameh Majlisi and Abu Ali Miskawayh. Journal of ًQuranic Theological Exegesis, 1(4), 599-628.
Mohammad Bonyani; Vahid Dehghani Phirouzabadi. "Comparative study of the ethical principles and ideas of Allameh Majlisi and Abu Ali Miskawayh", Journal of ًQuranic Theological Exegesis, 1, 4, 2014, 599-628.
Bonyani, M., Dehghani Phirouzabadi, V. (2014). 'Comparative study of the ethical principles and ideas of Allameh Majlisi and Abu Ali Miskawayh', Journal of ًQuranic Theological Exegesis, 1(4), pp. 599-628.
Bonyani, M., Dehghani Phirouzabadi, V. Comparative study of the ethical principles and ideas of Allameh Majlisi and Abu Ali Miskawayh. Journal of ًQuranic Theological Exegesis, 2014; 1(4): 599-628.