Associate Professor, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran
M.A. Student of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran
The Quranic gramatical inflection (e,rab)and analyzing of this holy text based on the Arabic rules and grammar is one of the oldest Quranic sciences. On the other hand, for some reasons different gramatical inflections are mentioned or are probable sometimes for one or some words or phrases in Quran. Here, there is a need to justify these gramatical inflections or to analyze their authenticity. The science of Quranic justification of the gramatical inflection is in fact responsible for explaining and analyzing various gramatical inflections that each leads to different meaning based on numerous documents. The present paper first, examines the concept of science of gramatical inflection justification through analyzing the constituent elements of this term .Next, it brifly discusses the typology of Quranic justification for gramatical inflection and presents some examples of Quranic gramatical inflection justification based on Arabic language and literature. These questions are answered and explained as to what is the gramatical inflection of Quran and its justificsation and its types specially gramatical inflection justification based on Arabic language and literature and how commentators and authors have justified the gramatical inflection of Quran in ordet to preserve the authenticity of its meaning and its sancitity.
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Bostani, G., & Baji, N. (2015). The quranic E,rab justification based on Arabic language and literature. Journal of ًQuranic Theological Exegesis, 2(1), 89-118.
Ghasem Bostani; Nosrah Baji. "The quranic E,rab justification based on Arabic language and literature", Journal of ًQuranic Theological Exegesis, 2, 1, 2015, 89-118.
Bostani, G., Baji, N. (2015). 'The quranic E,rab justification based on Arabic language and literature', Journal of ًQuranic Theological Exegesis, 2(1), pp. 89-118.
Bostani, G., Baji, N. The quranic E,rab justification based on Arabic language and literature. Journal of ًQuranic Theological Exegesis, 2015; 2(1): 89-118.