The Effect of Context on Translation and Understanding of the Quran

Document Type : pajoohesh


1 Associate Professor of Arabic language and literature, college of Farabi, University of Tehran

2 M.A. Student of college of Farabi, University of Tehran


One of the ways to understand the true meaning of Quran’s words and combinations as well as its translation and true equivalents, is regarding the context. Context in the interpretation of the Quran, has many applications, including its role in the interpretation of the word, determining the meaning of the sentence, the order of revelation of verses, recognizing Makki and Madani verses, determining the antecedent, understanding the omitted word or sentence, and determining the word’s extension. The importance of this study is to reveal the value of the individual and combined words and sentences. It also warns the translator that for an accurate translation, they must consider theoretical principles and know the context, and among multiple, meanings they should choose the one which is the main purpose of the speaker. In addition, they must inform the readers that to get the true understanding of Quran, they should notice the context of the words and verses. This study has tried to describe different kinds of contexts in a reasonable way and relying on an analytic style. There are also analyses of samples of Quranic verses following each context, so that the translator and the reader are notified to the guiding lights, and the need to adhere to the rules and to regard the circumstances. The main results indicate that: The Quranic words and verses are systematically connected with each other, and the quality of their arrangement and vocabulary association gives a special meaning to it. Quran does not have a single-sided nature, and the angles of understanding the verses are different according to the revelation situation, culture, the demands of the age, and the type of the speaker’s speech. Depending on the context, juxtaposition of the Quranic words, and the issues and circumstances of revelation occasion, the translation should be done in an integrative way.


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